
  • We’ll first discover The Pink Lake, which used to be the final stage of the famous rally: Paris- Dakar, which is now happening in South America.

You’ll have the opportunity to witness the salt mining which is an activity done by locals and you’ll also do boat riding,quad bike .

Possible to  take a fun dip in the lake which happens to be a wonderful experience.

  • After lunch, we’ll, then, head to Lompoul , an orange dunes desert. At Lompoul Village , a Jeep will transfer us to the desert .

Taste some of our local juice and as accommodation, have a sublime and comfortable Khayma Desert tent with its nomadic style.
If you happen to be an Instagram influencer, this landscape and its beautiful sunset will do wonders.

  • Sandboarding and, optionnally, riding camel .
  • On the 2nd Day, we will head to the Bandia wildlife preserve for a safari. Upon arrival, we will board the 4WD to spot Rhinos, Giraffes, Zebra, Buffaloes, Monkeys, Crocodiles and many bird species.
  • At the end of the trip, we’ll head back to your hotel .

PS: Price include

  • All entry & taxe